The collective investment schemes described on this Website have not been approved by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (“FINMA”) for distribution to non-qualified investors pursuant to Article 120 of the Federal Act of 23 June 2006 on Collective Investment Schemes, as amended (“CISA”). Any offering of, or advertising for, such collective investment schemes in or from Switzerland is only permitted vis-à-vis qualified investors in terms of Article 10 paras. 3 to 4 CISA (“Qualified Investors”). Accordingly, the content of this Website is addressed exclusively to Qualified Investors. Investors in the Funds benefit from the investor protection provided by CISA to a limited extent only and the collective investment schemes, as well as the entities and persons involved in their management and distribution, are subject to either no or only limited supervision by a supervisory authority.
This Website is operated by Evoco AG, Limmatstrasse 65, 8005 Zurich, Switzerland, a limited liability company (“Evoco”). Since April 2015, Evoco is licensed by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (“FINMA”) as distributor of collective investment schemes. Evoco assumes responsibility for the Website (as defined hereinafter) in so far as compliance with Swiss laws and regulations is concerned.
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